Welcome to the 2022 Freezer Challenge!
Please read all these instructions carefully.
This is your scoresheet for the 2022 Freezer Challenge. Record the actions your lab has taken only since August 2021 to implement cold storage management best practices. Any data you enter into this scoresheet will count toward your institution's overall score in the competition and will be used to score your lab against other participants. Please remember this challenge is based on the honor system. The Freezer Challenge organizing committee retains the right to review scoresheets for accuracy prior to distributing the awards, and only completed scoresheets will be included in the competition.
Freezer Challenge participants outside China are auto-added to a Mailchimp email list to receive updates about the challenge and exclusive blog post information.
Please take note:
We are excited your laboratory has decided to participate in the Freezer Challenge this year, and we hope this is a valuable learning experience. At the end of the competition, we will share with you the approximate amount of energy you saved as a result of participating in the Freezer Challenge. Good luck!
Enter yours and your lab's contact information below.